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"Diploma in Professional Marketing"

is a complex marketing education for managers of marketing functions and subdivisions.

Prestigious diploma

After graduation, students receive a British diploma of the European model. In 1992, the European Union declared the CIM diploma the best professional qualification in the EU countries.


CIM in business and marketing is like English in the world. You speak English, you can speak to the whole world. You speak the language of CIM, you can speak to marketers all over the world.

Learning from practitioners

Tutors and speakers of the course are practicing marketers of national and international companies, CMOs/heads of marketing teams.

Recognition in the world

The Chartered Institute of Marketing is the largest marketing community in Europe with a century-old history. The patron of the institute is the King of Great Britain.

Case studies

Training takes place on real examples from various businesses of national and international companies.

Graduates of The Chartered Institute of Marketing work in managerial marketing positions in:


The diploma course consists of three key modules: Marketing & Digital Strategy, Resource Management, Innovation in Marketing

Together, they make up the mandatory base of knowledge and skills of a marketing manager. The course provides skills for managing the marketing function of a business.

Program content:

Геометричний графік


Marketing & Digital Strategy

Market-Led Strategic Management

The marketing concept and market orientation

The resource-based view of marketing

Organisational stakeholders

The role of marketing in leading strategic management

Strategic Marketing Planning

Defining the business purpose or mission
The marketing strategy process
Establishing the core strategy
Creation of the competitive positioning

The changing market environment

A framework for macro-environmental analysis
The economic and political environment
The social and cultural environment
The technological environment
Changes in marketing infrastructure and practices
New strategies for changing macro-environments
The Five Forces model of industry competition
The product life cycle
Strategic groups
Industry evolution and forecasting
Environmental stability

Customer and Competitor Analysis

The marketing research process    
Organizing customer information
Competitive benchmarking
The dimensions of competitor analysis
Obtaining and disseminating competitive information

Understanding the organisational resource base

Marketing resources as the foundation for differentiation
Creating and exploiting marketing assets
Developing marketing capabilities
Dynamic marketing capabilities
Resource portfolios
Developing and exploiting resources

Segmentation and Positioning Principles

Principles of competitive positioning
Principles of market segmentation
Bases for segmenting markets
Identifying and describing market segments
The benefits of segmenting markets
Implementing market segmentation

Segmentation and Positioning Research

Qualitative approaches to positioning research
Quantitative approaches to positioning researc

Selecting Market Targets

Defining how the market is segmented    
Determining market segment attractiveness    
Determining current and potential strengths    
Making market and segment choices
Alternative targeting strategies

Creating Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Using organizational resources to create a sustainable competitive advantage
Generic routes to competitive advantage
Sustaining competitive advantage
Offensive and defensive competitive strategies

Competing through the New Marketing Mix

Pricing strategies
Communications strategies
Distribution strategies
The extended marketing mix - people, processes and physical evidence
New businesses and business models

Competing through Superior service and Customer relationships

Service and competitive positioning
Relationship marketing
Providing superior service
Customer relationship management
E-service quality
Measuring and monitoring customer satisfaction

Strategic customer management   and the strategic sales organisation

Priorities for identifying strategic sales capabilities
The new and emerging competitive role for sales
The strategic sales organizationStrategic customer management tasks
Managing the customer portfolio
Dealing with dominant customers

Strategic Alliances and Networks

The era of strategic collaboration
The drivers of collaboration strategies
Network forms
Strategic alliances as a competitive force
The risks in strategic alliances
Managing strategic alliances

Strategy implementation and Internal Marketing

The strategy implementation challenge in marketing
The development of internal marketing
Planning for internal marketing
Cross-functional partnership as internal marketing
Implementation and internal marketing

Marketing and digital strtegy
Повітряний тиск


Resource Management

Bridging Critical Gaps in Marketing Resources

Identifying the Marketing Talent Gaps
Fostering a Skill-Driven Workforce
Unveiling the Marketing Technology Gaps
Adapting to Emerging Technologies
Integrating Technology for Performance Enhancement
Aligning Strategies for Optimal Performance
Enhancing Marketing Performance

 Embracing Digital Transformation

Embracing Technological Evolution in Marketing
Adapting to Digital Paradigms
Overcoming Challenges in Digital Transformation
Mitigating Risks to The Exposed Brand
Strategies for Maintaining Brand Resilience
Upholding Brand Reputation in Digital Spaces

Formulating an Agile Marketing Team

Analyzing the Talent War in Marketing
The Hybrid Marketing Teams
Crafting Skillful and Adaptable Marketing Teams
Employing Scientific Approaches in Recruitment
Leveraging Data for Strategic Recruitment
Adapting to Evolving Recruitment Methodologies

Solving Skill Obsolescence

Online Education
Implementing an Effective Internal Academy Model

Leveraging Collaborative Agency Partnerships

Understanding The Marketing Agency Ecosystem
Selecting Synergistic Agency Collaborations
Maximizing Collaborative Growth Opportunities
Managing External Collaborations for Optimal Outcomes
Enhancing Outsourced Team Performance
Navigating Remote Collaborations Successfully

Crafting Enhanced Customer Experiences

Customer-Centric Marketing
Designing Seamless Customer Journeys
Exploring Intelligent Customer Experiences
Embracing Contextual Marketing Strategies
Tailoring Marketing to Individual Contexts
Enhancing Marketing Relevance

Customer Relationship Management

Choosing, Creating, and Management of the Customer Database
Strategies for Interaction with Customers
Defining key performance indicators (KPIs) in CRM
Data analysis and evaluation of the results of interaction with customers
Processing data into valuable insights and strategic recommendations

Orchestrating Marketing Technology Synergy

Cloud Integration
Understanding Brinker’s Marketing Technology Landscape
Developing Comprehensive Cloud-Centric Strategies
Mapping Marketing Technology Strategy
Technologies Empowering Marketing
Synthesizing Technology and Strategy for Optimal Outcomes

Marketing Financials

Methods for Setting Marketing Budgets
Specific Budgeting for Marketing Initiatives
Financial Planning and Management
Transparent Record Keeping and Financial Analysis
Measuring Marketing Effectiveness with Financial Metrics
Financial Reporting and Stakeholder Engagement

The organizational context for marketing metrics

Marketing and brand matrixes
Customer profiling, satisfaction, and loyalty metrics
Channel and distribution metrics
Product and portfolio metrics
Promotional and media metrics
Digital metrics
The risk of poorly implemented matrix

Measurement in different market contexts

Metrics for brand management, sales and business results
Metrics and organizational lifecycle stage

Measures of marketing performance

Identifying Essential Metrics for Performance Evaluation
Improvement of marketing performance
Marketing dashboards

Using metrics to measure the effectiveness of marketing

Plan, analysis and modify marketing activities based on metrics analysis
Creating marketing insights to inform strategic decision-making
Evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of marketing metrics
The latest trends in matrix and their potential impact

Evaluating and Formulating Effective Strategies

Utilizing The Marketing Score Model for Assessment
Navigating The Gateway to Strategic Progress
Initiating Insights through Google Analytics
Automating Insights for Informed Decision-Making

Resource management
Вежа зв'язку


Innovation in Marketing

Strategic Advantage through Innovation

The Globalization of Innovation and Competitive Advantage
A process approach to innovation
The key areas where innovation can bring the greatest strategic benefit
Key aspects of innovation
Innovation management

Digital innovation

The main aspects of innovation in the digital
Analysis of the impact of digital technologies on business models, markets and consumer habits
Strategic planning in a digital innovation environment
Challenges and opportunities in managing digital innovation

Innovation as a core business process

The innovation journeys
A contingency model of the innovation process
Evolving models of the process
Building and developing routines across the core process

Developing an innovation strategy

Choosing an Innovation Strategy: 'Rationalist' vs. 'Incrementalist' Approaches
Leadership and Followership in Innovation
Dynamic Capabilities and Innovation
Investigating strategies for capturing and maximizing the benefits derived from innovation efforts
Exploiting technological trajectories
Developing specific competencies
Enabling Strategic Decision-Making through Innovation

Building the innovative organization

Fostering Innovation through Vision and Leadership
Organizational Structure for Innovation
Key Individuals in the Innovation Process
Promoting High Involvement in Innovation
Creating a Roadmap for Innovation
Fostering Effective Team Collaboration
Cultivating a Creative Climate

Sources of innovation

The role of Customers and the Market in the Innovation Process
Stimulating innovation in times of crisis
Identifying and serving underserved markets
Mass market personalization through design and manufacturing innovation
Using randomness and predicting the future in Innovation Processes

Search strategies for innovations

Identifying Innovation Opportunities through Search Strategies
Timing and Scope of Innovation Search
Stakeholders in the Innovation Search Process
Mapping the Innovation Search Space

Innovation Networks

Understanding the 'Spaghetti' Model of Innovation
Role of Innovation Networks in Start-ups
Internal and External Innovation Networks
Exploring Uncharted Territory through Innovation Networks

Dealing with Uncertainty

Navigating Uncertainty: Strategies to Address the Challenge
The Funnel of Uncertainty: Managing Innovation at Different Stages
Planning and Forecasting Innovation under Uncertainty
Estimating Demand and Risk for Innovations
Identifying and Assessing Opportunities in Uncertain Environments
Decision-Making Strategies in Uncertain Situations

Creating New Products and Services

Structuring processes to ensure successful innovation
Factors Impacting Product Success or Failure
Influence of Technology and Markets on Commercialization
Understanding the role of product differentiation in creating competitive advantages
Appling architectural design principles to product development
Strategies for effectively commercializing products
Implementing Complex Products and Services

Exploiting Open Innovation and Collaboration

Exploring the role of joint ventures and strategic alliances in fostering innovation
Partnerships, co-creation, and crowdsourcing
Understanding the various patterns and dynamics that emerge in collaborative innovation efforts
Impact of Technology and Organizational Structure on Collaboration
Investigating the potential for innovation through collaboration with suppliers and external partners
Exploring the concept of user-led innovation and how involving extreme users contributes to creativity
Examining the advantages and limitations of open innovation approaches

Capturing the business value of innovation

Innovative products, services, processes, and value for customers and organizations
Impaction of innovation on revenue growth, profitability, market share, and other key performance metrics
Harnessing Knowledge and Intellectual Property for Value
Knowledge Sharing and Distribution for Value Creation
Monetizing Intellectual Property and Business Models

Creating social value

Exploring Innovation's Impact on Social Change
Understanding the Social Innovation Process
Promoting Inclusive Innovation and its importance in ensuring equitable access to new solutions
Humanitarian Innovation
Challenges and Opportunities in Sustainability-led Innovation

Building Dynamic Capability for Innovation

Analyzing case studies and real-world examples to extract valuable insights
Effective Management of Innovation Initiatives
Embracing Failure as a Part of Innovation
Tools for Measuring Innovation
Innovation Auditing and Reflection

Innovation in marketing

Program tutors:


Module Marketing & Digital Strategy

Yaroslav Humeniuk

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  • CMO KNESS Group

  • 20 years in marketing

  • worked in the markets of Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Poland

  • 4 years of teaching at CIM


Resource Management module

Oleksandr Savych

Savych_bw_edited_edited 1.png
  • CEO of Nexus Automotive

  • 22 years in marketing

  • He worked on the markets of Kazakhstan, France and Ukraine

  • 9 years of teaching


Innovation in Marketing module

Tatiana Budzynska

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  • Digital Marketing Manager at Groupe SEB

  • 10 years in marketing

  • Worked with well-known international brands.

  • A large number of successfully implemented projects, with a focus on the launch of innovative products.


Admission conditions

  • 2 years of experience in marketing;

  • Level of English proficiency B2 and higher;

  • Possession of higher education (bachelor's, master's).

Admission procedure

  • Successfully pass online testing (in English and marketing);

  • Provide the necessary documents;

  • Pass an interview;

  • Sign the contract;

  • Pay the registration fee.

Профіль студентів

Profile of students

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Additional information

Training format:

Online, part-time

Training method:

Full-Intensive & Case-Study (FI&CS)

Duration of training:

11 months

The nearest start of the program:

September 7, 2024



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Cost of the entire program (3 modules):  £4400
Cost of one module:  £1810

Next start:

September 7, 2024

The cost of the program

from 4400 £

The cost of module 

1810 £

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