How the educational process is structured in diploma programs from CIM.
In order for professional education to be as effective as possibleit is important to have the right understandingregarding the workload and format of trainingbefore its beginning.
In this article, we talked as structured and concise as possible about how the educational process and the evaluation process itself was built, and we took comments from persons directly involved in this.
The Academy of Marketing implements the programDiploma in professional marketing (Diploma in Professional Marketing), sixth level qualification. This is a comprehensive marketing education that allows you to manage the marketing function at a professional level.
If you have passed the application process and are enrolled in the course, you become a student of The Chartered Institute of Marketing, regardless of which country you are in.
Membership in Europe's most famous marketing institution opens for you, you get your own office on the institute's platform, access to all SIM materials, and access to a community of thousands of marketers.
Training takes place directly at the Academy of Marketing by certified SIM tutors.
А assessment of examination papers is carried out exclusively by specialists of SIM Great Britain. This ensures objectivity.
Now in more detail:
The program consists of three mandatory modules:
Marketing and digital strategy – a module on creating effective strategic marketing plans that will combine both traditional and digital marketing approaches; on understanding modern planning frameworks and applying key stages of the planning process.
Resource management– a module on successfully managing the implementation of marketing plans; about a practical understanding of how to manage the balance of resources needed to implement a marketing plan; about successful financial management and ensuring a return on investment in marketing.
Innovations in marketing– a module on the study of how organizations can apply an innovative approach to the challenges associated with a constantly changing market; on understanding what drives innovation and disruption; about how marketing can drive and develop innovation in an organization; about communication and practical skills regarding the implementation of specific marketing innovations.
Diploma in Professional Marketing modules can be studied in any order.
You can start studying from any module.
Starts traditionally take place according to the schedule: December, April, September.
The exact date of the nearest start is December 17, 2022.
Thus, the duration of one module is about 3-4 months, and the programs as a whole - up to 12 months.
All program activities take place online.
This allows maximum flexibility to combine studies, employment and family life. Students have the opportunity to attend training sessions, attend consultations, and submit qualification papers from anywhere in the world.
Meetings with tutors and speakers are held using the Zoom remote conferencing platform.
The curriculum of each module includes:
48 hours of lectures with a professional tutor and guest speakers,
individual consultation,
final control in the form of a written qualification paper.
The main value of the diploma program is the acquisition of fundamental professional knowledge of marketing according to the syllabuses developed by British experts.
Alevtyna Kudinova
Chief executive officer
Yes, teaching is conducted according to the syllabuses and materials of The Chartered Institute of Marketing.
And for in-depth disclosure of specific topics, specialized experts are invited as speakers, who share real cases and conduct thematic master classes.
We see the effectiveness of training as well through the constant exchange of knowledge and practical experience. Through lively discussions, students come closer to understanding that despite the unique challenges each business faces, we all have a lot in common. The ability to share approaches helps to develop a common concept for improving customer service and for increasing sales and profits.
Inna Logushchenko
Head of diploma programs
The educational process includes mandatory homework.
This is work with the SIM online library, performing group and individual tasks.
So how much time does homework usually take?
We recommend, based on previous feedback from students, to reserve 3-5 hours per week.
The time a student spends on homework preparation depends on the student himself and his involvement in the educational process - on his desire to achieve a certain depth of acquired knowledge and skills. At the same time, the approach of "focusing on the main thing" relieves the student of an excessive study load and ensures high ratings of passing the qualifying work.
Aigul Boribay
Head of the student service support department
Each module ends with an exam - writing a qualifying paper.
The work is evaluated on the CIM scale and is considered passed if the passing score is above 50%.
Students can choose the topic of the qualification work independently. These are often real cases from student's businesses.
According to CIM policies, every qualifying paper must be checked for plagiarism. The similarity index should not be 35% or more.
Qualification papers are uploaded by the student to Calibrend personally.
If, for a good reason, the trainee does not have time to prepare the qualifying work by the deadline set by the SIM or is forced to take a break from studying, he is given the right to postpone the submission of the work. Within the full cycle of the SIM Program, only one transfer is allowed and only to the session closest to the missed session.
Qualifying works are evaluated on the condition that they:
The Chartered Institute of Marketing uses the following rating scale:
Excellent 70 - 100%
Good 60 - 69%
Satisfactory 50 - 59%
Unsatisfactory 1 - 49%
Invalid 0%
The results of the assessment are communicated to the student confidentially in a personal written message.
With a positive evaluation, the student receives an Award (the equivalent of a certificate).
After successful completion of all three qualification papers, the student receives the SIM diploma of The Chartered Institute of Marketing.
The Diploma in Professional Marketing is a Level 6 qualification and equivalent to a Bachelor's degree.
The diploma is issued in electronic format. However, a printed copy (with seals and signatures) can be ordered as an extra and received by post or at a graduation ceremony in the UK.
uploaded on Calibrend in time - before the platform closing date,
approved by the Academy of Marketing.
A direct participant in the events - a graduate of CIM - knows better than anyone how studying at Diploma programs takes place.
In order to cover all possible questions, we are preparing a special online event!
A meeting with CIM tutors and graduates specially for Kazakhstan marketers!
In December!
Better to hear it once...)