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Marketing vs. Branding?

On Thursday, April 27, 2023, within the framework of the bilateral format of cooperation between The Marketing Academy and The University of KAZGUU named after M.S. Narikbaeva (Kazakhstan, Astana) hosted a guest lecture on the topic “Marketing versus Branding?”.

The speaker was CIM expert partner Yevheniia Stasiuk.

Yevheniia has a proven 10-year C-level management experience in the private medical market. In the list of her professional achievements:

  • opening and development of medical centers, 

  • development of the architecture of their business processes, 

  • implementation of medical innovations as pioneers of their own market.

The participants of the lecture were undergraduate students of KAZHUU majoring in marketing.

As a CIM training center for professional marketing qualifications, we see it as one of our tasks to provide students with a practical business component through guest lectures at leading universities. Yevheniia Stasiuk's expertise provides several values:

  • For students, this is an opportunity to get acquainted with the marketing of a niche industry.

  • For practicing marketers – to find useful insights for their own businesses.

Yevheniia shared practical knowledge about the advantages and drivers of different business focuses, talked about hidden opportunities to improve brand perception, and expressed her expert opinion about what is more important for business - creating a product that is as close as possible to the client's expectations or expressing one's values through the product.

The meeting resulted in the following insights:




Marketing and branding have different goals. The marketing goal is to create or improve a product in response to customer feedback. The purpose of branding is to express yourself and inspire customers to join that identity. Owning a product (brand) allows you to enrich and develop your individual identity and contribute to the expression of your self-concept.


The specificity of medical marketing and communication lies in the increased sensitivity of the client to this type of information and avoidance of contact with it. Therefore, the task of this communication is complicated by the need to overcome this resistance.


Companies usually rate their own customer-centricity higher than the customers themselves, because they take into account the entire process of creating a product or service, and the customer only the part of the process that he sees. That is, the opportunity to increase the value of the product, which is perceived by the client, is to highlight the stages of product creation that are usually hidden from the client.

At the end of the lecture, the participants analyzed the case of creating brand equity, after which the Q&A session began.

We will write a detailed analysis of the lecture in the next article 😉.

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