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Guest lecture for students and employees of Narxoz.

At the end of April, a guest lecture by the CEO of the Academy of Marketing took place Alektyny Kudinova for students and employees of Narkhoz!

And this is a great opportunity to talk about higher education and "behavioral marketing"!


We are grateful School of Economics and Management Narkhoz and personally Dilbar Gimranova for the invitation!

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National universities play a critically important role in the formation of professional marketing. It is here that the attitude towards the profession is formed, and quality standards are established.


I am sure that all professional marketing qualifications must closely interact with international and national institutions, synchronize and share expert content, forming a career card for the student.

School of Economics and Management Narhoza takes a proactive position aimed at communication with businesses, international qualifications, and institutions. Therefore, it is pretty logical that the business of Kazakhstan emphasizes the European standard of the quality of education, university graduates, including by specialty marketers.”

Alevtyna Kudinova

And here a logical question arises: actually What role do universities play in the education of a marketer, and what are professional qualifications?

About higher education and professional qualifications.

Universities  in all countries focus on

  • worldview development,

  • critical thinking,

  • the intellectual base of the graduate.

Therefore, in university programs, there is a high percentage of theoretical and abstract disciplines - difficult to understand, but essential for development.


That is why this kind of education is called formal - it provides the integration of subject content end-to-end standardization is a secret educational process.

University hallway

Professional education is designed to customize training, to bring to it an applied character and adaptation to the professional demands of each specific student: there is a need for a specific skill, competence, or tool - you take a course, a professional training program and you pump the necessary skill.

In a dynamic, changing, innovative business, the synergy of these two types is especially important. The university develops the thinking of its students, expands the vision of horizons and opportunities, professional education provides solutions at the operational and strategic level.

Well, if you compare it to football, then the university teaches any player to see the whole field, to understand the strength and weaknesses of all players and opponents, and to see the potential of the whole game in general. Professional education teaches players to make strokes, to understand who can give a pass, and to score goals.

Thus, university education and professional qualifications are links of one eco-system of marketing education aimed at:

  • formation of the necessary market for the number of qualified professional personnel

  • and implementation of the concept of continuous learning throughout the career.

Behavioral marketing.

And in the same article, we will touch on another marketing issue.

The topic of the guest lecture by Alevtyna Kudinova, CEO of the Academy of Marketing for students and representatives of Narkhoz was "Behavioral marketing. The psychology of choice."

The audience's questions to the speaker led us to the conclusion that it is necessary to talk about this in more detail.

The logic of human decision-making has stirred the minds of marketers for decades.

    A few questions to think about:

  • Is it always that goods with the best features and the lowest price will sell better?

  • Let's imagine that tomorrow a smartphone will appear, which is an exact copy of the iPhone, but at a price twice as cheap. iPhone and Apple will go bankrupt?

  • Will women stop using perfume?  Chanel, if they find out that their cost is 3% of the cost to the consumer?

Your answers to these questions will vividly illustrate the IRRATIONALITY of the consumer's choice.

You can, of course, attribute everything to the genius of the marketing strategies of certain brands (not without it), but the irrationality of choice is not something created by marketers.

Behavioral marketing is based, among other things, on the statement that:

In principle, man is initially irrational in his choices and decisions.

It literally means that we do not always choose the best option for ourselves, we do not always behave logically. Even if it's obvious.

sitting on a plane
A simple example:

We all know that the probability of dying in a plane crash is minuscule compared to the probability of dying in a car accident. Namely 62 times! And that's a fantastic difference!

This is not a hypothesis, this is practical statistical data.

Simply put, if you're going to fly somewhere, it's 62 times safer to fly than to drive to the airport.

It would seem that logic should tell us that where it is more dangerous, there should be higher security measures and more expensive insurance.

However, in practice, we see the opposite situation: flight insurance will cost 44 times more than car trips.

That is, we are willing to pay more expensive insurance for a safer trip.

Although the ratio should tell us otherwise.

Oh no. Even knowing this information, according to statistics, those who are afraid of flying are 17 times more likely than those who have the same phobia of cars.

Well, man is irrational.


And how to deal with this marketing?

Or maybe not to fight, but to use?

And if used, how to calculate the irrationality of the choice? Are there any such algorithms?


As always, there are two news here: good and bad.

It's bad - you can't change it.

Good - you can use it.

And one more cool thing - it's not just usable, it creates fantastic opportunities for marketers!


After the guest lecture, we received some interesting questions via social media about behavioral marketing. And this led us to the idea of creating channel telegrams in order to share interesting content more quickly.

Join using the link.

It is for this channel that we are planning a series of posts from Alytyna Kudinova's lecture on cognitive distortions.

It will be about:

How does our brain work? What opportunities does this provide for marketers? And why do marketers ask questions about the ethics of using this knowledge?

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